By far the best tool in the shop is our Puritan Sewing Machine. Ours is #643 built in the year 1893. Yes that is 120 years old. Seen as the work horse of any sewing operation, it is a USA built machine using genuine US steel, and is obviously built to last. The crafts-people who use these machines develop relationships with them and we are no exeption.
Here is a great video from Red Wing that expresses the passion that these machines inspire.
While Red Wing uses a three needle stitch we utilizes a single needle. Both represent a chain stitch. This is a unique stitch where the thread is is double looped with one loop being threaded through the other. provided this really great representation of how chain stitching works.
For comparison this a traditional lock stitch.
While both stitches have their place and use, we chain stitch on our bags and zipper settings.